Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Being careful of small mistakes

Watching this animation of Walace and Grommit I realized it is very easy to make small mistakes see if you can spot the one in this video I will give you a hint "EARS"

Again I have been watching Wallace and Grommit to get ideas and inspiration on how I can best achieve my character movements

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Who Famed Roger Rrabbit

I wanted to research the combination of live action and animation so I decided to find out about who "framed Roger Rabbit"

I really like this film as it is easy to laugh to and has a real sense of humour about it, I would love for my commercial to be commical

Wallace and Grommit

I have been inspired by the stop-motion animation Wallace and Grommit as the techniques they use to gain some effects I feel will help me to enhance and develop my character movements for example the director of Wallace and Grommit uses frames multiple times to produce a faux motion blur and to create an impact to the movement.

Below is a link to the a scene of Wallace and Grommit where this has been done

Monday, 28 March 2011

Character Walk Cycle

This is my first characters walk cycle and then he blows his flute for help as he has seen the 2D character fall to the ground from malnutrition. Every time I moved the character half a centimeter I then took a picture this gave a great illusion that the character was walking by himself.


This character is the pipe piper of the Super Strawberry Smoothie guys everytime he blows his flute they come running to the rescue

Friday, 25 March 2011

Walk cycle for 2D character

This is my walk cycle for my 2D character, for this walk cycle I had to create a mesh body and stuck it behind the 2D character this is so that I was able to bend the character and make the character stand up in a upright position. This also made it much easier for me to play with the character and make him walk in the way that I wanted him to.

Thursday, 24 March 2011


I have now decided to change my story as I feel I wanted to go for a sleeker and clean more comical smoothie adds...
I have now decided to create my characters out of plasticine and straws; I have also decided to use a white massive piece of card as my back drop.

The 2D character will be walking around very lethargic and un-energetically, walking with speech bubbles will come up as the character starts to think for example "I feel dizzy" "I feel weak" and then all of a sudden the character feels dizzy and falls down. The pipe piper of the strawberry smoothie runs to the character to blow in his flute to call the pipe piper Super Strawberry Smoothie rescue crew who are the military of the pipe piper crew. They pump super strawberry smoothie into the character to give him definition, colour and nutrition.

Then we follow the pipe outside of the door to the park where the bottle of the Super Strawberry Smoothie will be and the end shot will be of the new and revived now 3 character kissing the smoothie that saved his life...

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

New Paper Character Image

I wanted the new paper character to look very weak and as though he has been living rough with no energy very unhappy and lethargic...

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Back to Brain storming Story Boarding

I have been working on my commercial for two months but I really am not impressed with the whole outcome I feel as though I would like to keep the idea of creating a commercial for a Strawberry smoothie but I would like to change the story and the look and style of the commercial...

I think I would prefer to have a white plain background instead of creating the commercial within a kitchen below are some story boards I have created. To have a closer look they are in the development folder

Monday, 21 March 2011

Stry board one

I have decided to add speech bubbles to show what the characters are thinking just to make the story line more clear

Sunday, 20 March 2011

THE STORY NEW IDEA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last night I sat up all night thinking of ways to make my commercial actually look and feel like a commercial as at the moment I am completely unhappy with it I figured I have just enough time to completely change my story and style of the commercial if I wanted to and I have decided to take the risk and go ahead with changing it all.
I have come up with some key facts that I will like to include within my commercial such as the ones listed below:

- My own characters
- New background (plain white)
- New story Line
- New name for smoothie
- New label

Now I have decided this I am going away to work on my master piece and to re create my commercfial

A name i do like and might want to work with is SUPER STRAWBERRY SMOOTHIE

Saturday, 19 March 2011

End of Sequence shots

This video clip is a test of my end sequence of the commercial I wanted the word crush within my commercial title to be emphaized by the character actually crushing and eating the strawberries, it did not turn out exactly as I was hoping for it to end up but this is my first test and I am hoping to improve it.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Character ripping/ coming off of the page

I still have not mastered the art of getting the character to rip himself off of the page so I am trying a new technique of geting the character to pull him self off of the page as if he is stuck on with blue tack insteack of trying to rip himself out. I have been trying different ways of trying to achieve this look but it does not seem to be working...

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Light Effects

I found after I took the pictures that the light kept on changing in each picture ....... HAVE TO RETAKE

Lighting Problem

Because I used the flash in some of the scenes there was a variation within the lighting on each of the scenes

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Creating Label

Today I have been trying to recreate the label for the Smoothie Bottle but I am not please with the out come as the picture of the strawberry and its back ground seems to move everywhere and I am unable to recreate the exact position of all the elements within the label so there fore I have decided to make one print it out and stick it to the bottle ....

Friday, 11 March 2011

Test shot

As the lighting did not work out well in the last kitchen I decied to go back to the previous kitchen where the lighting was fine and retake the shoots for my commercial

Test Video for lighting

Thursday, 10 March 2011

As it is proving had to get the strawberry characters to jump into the smoothie bottle I have decided to change the ending of the commercial.....

New story

The 2D character will jump on to the strawberry characters and crush them and then start to eat them, this will tie in with the word crush within the title ...

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Strawberry Crush Smoothie

I have decided to create my commercial in a kitchen and have taken some test pictures, I really liked the shape of the innocent smoothie bottle and decided to create my own label but kept the bottle ....

It was very difficult to keep the heads on the legs of the strawberry as the strawberry heads were real strawberries they kept becoming moist.

Tuesday, 8 March 2011


As it is proving difficulty to get the strawberries to jump into the smoothie bottle I have now decided to change the middle of my story line instead I will be getting the character to jump onto the strawberries and then start to eat them. This will be much easier as I will be able to hang the paper character on a piece of thread and it will stay in the air as the weight of the paper is much less then the fresh strawberries.

Monday, 7 March 2011

My Notice Board Cloud Effects

This is the clouds I created to give the illusion that my characters was falling from the sky

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Still back ground

I have decided to not go for the character to try and rip himself out of the paper and instead just climb off of the notice board

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Friday, 4 March 2011

Still Background Notice Board

The background of the notice board now does not move whilst only the character is moving exactly how I wanted it to be. Now the notice board looks more like a notice board and not a moving image within an image.

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Moving Background on notice board

I found that the background on my notice board was moving and made it feel as though I have a moving video inside of my image sequence which just looks wrong over all I am very unhappy with my commercial and story line so far I think I may need to go back to the drawing board

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Created my moving character on black board

I have created my character moving on the black board but the back seems to be moving HOW ANNOYING

Note to ones self..... always makesure you have the tripod in one position another thing learnt today